Wednesday 19 September 2012

Film Review 2 - Singin' In the Rain

  I had watched the majority of Singin' in the Rain before watching it in class, so I had a pretty good idea of it already.  I was very fond of it, with the numerous dance numbers and specifically Donald O'Conner's "Make them laugh" piece still with me.  However after watching it in class, I was able to get a proper viewing of the film, and I was able to notice the good and bad more clearly.

   The film was directed by Gene Kelly and Stanely Donen, and was made in 1952.  The film stars Gene Kelly, Donald O'Conner, Debbie Reynolds and Jean Hagen.  The film revolves around fictional silent-film celebrities Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont as they're forced to adapt with the move from the silent film era to the 'Talkies'.  The story explores the technological issues, as well as the issues with the actors themselves, providing an honest and entertaining look at the movie industry during it's crucial advances to the use of sound.  I really enjoyed the plot, as it was insightful while also entertaining.

  The actors did a fantastic job, with some incredible choreography during the numerous songs; each do an excellent job to portray their character's distinct personalities.  Donald O'Connor definitely stood out to me, with his charisma and talent seeping through the screen.  One of the best scenes to me was when Cosmo (O'Conner) explains to Don (Kelly) his philosophy regarding film, insisting the best thing you can do is "Make them laugh!".  The scene exhibits O'Conner's talent as an actor, in both his comedic and athletic skills, making it unforgettable.  None of the actors stood out in a negative way, as they all truly did an excellent job in both their acting and their musical work.  The only complaint I had with the film was the habit it had of carrying things on too long.  The film seemed to drag on in a number of the songs, whether it been intentional or not; things just occasionally felt forced.

   Never the less, the film adds up to be something truly special.  The songs are incredibly catchy and iconic, almost giving the film an ironic feeling after watching it post Clockwork Orange and Viagra.  Still, it ends up being as entertaining as it is fascinating, painting a portrait of both the time of the silent film, and of the 'Talkies'. I'd suggest the film to any true fan of the medium, or to any person at all really; it satisfies everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Entertaining and well written. Most people wouldn't get the reference to Viagra and Clockwork Orange though.
