Sunday 28 October 2012

Cinematic Elements of Super 8

  In Super 8 I noticed that there are a lot of cinematic elements present throughout the film, such as the lighting, the camera shots, special effects and sound effects. There was a strong use of lightning throughout the film. The majority of the major events in the film are at night, such as the train crash, Alice's abduction and the film's finale. The lighting helps paint a tone of mysteriousness and ominousness, especially with the first two scenes I listed. During the train scene for example, the Key light would be the large light that the kids brought themselves. The back light would be the lights above them on the train station, and the fill would be the lights next to them near the phone booth.

   There are also multiple instances when shots use focus in order to convey something that would be normally evident. Another use of the darkness was the amount of lens flares, and how much they stood out. Because it was dark during the major scenes, the lens flares were way more evident. These lens flares are useful to immerse the viewer more, as it's something you would see if you were actually there. For example, during the scene where the camera focus' the cube in the foreground, rather than on Joe in the background. This is an example of soft focus. An example of deep focus would be when they're filming the scene in front of the train crash, which shows both them and the crash in the background.

   Throughout the film, there is an emphasis on camera shots where it moves with the characters. These are point of view shots, as they make the viewer feel as if they're running with the characters on screen. There are also a lot of different angles used throughout the film. An example of a low angle shot in the film would be when Alice and Joe are standing together, staring at the alien's ship at the end of the film. This creates a hopeful and triumphant mood, as the characters appear more dominant. There are also a lot of scenes in the film where
The diegetic music of the film is late 70's music, typical of the time period, while there is also use of nondiegetic, ominous music during suspenseful scenes. An example of another nondiegetic sound would be when the cube shakes, but none of the characters hear or see it. Overall, the film was able to achieve a suspenseful mood with it's immersive camera shots, dark lighting and ominous nondiegetic sounds.

Dramatic Elements of The Goonies

   The Goonies has a heavy emphasis on Dramatic elements, evident in the very well done costumes, make up and sets. The Goonies tells the story of a group of kids who set out to find a pirate treasure in order to save their goon dock community. Most of the kids are fairly stereotypical: Mouth, as his name suggests, likes to talk a lot, and is the typical loudmouth troublesome kid. Data is a genius inventor, but is also incredibly goofy. Chunk is overweight and silly, and the gang makes fun of him for it.

   The costumes in the Goonies are fairly typical. The Goonies themselves all wear normal clothes for kids: heavy jackets, leather vests, muscle shirts and bandanas, typical 80's wear. The villains of the film also wear fairly typical clothing. Something to be noted is that Andy, the main girl-Goonie, wears all yellow, while Ma Fratelli wears all black, showing the difference between the two groups in terms of innocence and goodness. The real star of the costume and makeup work is Sloth, with his bizarre face and menacing size.

   The film takes place mainly over 3 places: Mikey's house, the Fratelli headquarters and the cave. Mikey's house, filmed on sight in Astoria, is filled with intricate contraptions, such as the gate opener and Data's zip line. The zany-ness of Mikey's house reflects on the gangs unique personality. The Fratelli headquarters is dank, dark and dreary, similar to the Fratelli's themselves. The dungeon-like basement helps to create the mood of uneasiness when the Goonies find Sloth. The cave leading to the treasure is very intricate and large, with quite a few different sections to it. It has an Indiana Jones feeling to it, with traps and skeletons hidden throughout. The sets of the Goonies are all very unique and somewhat goofy, as each overdoes their respective atmospheres.

   The film was Directed by Richard Donner and produced by Stephen Spielberg. The film definitely has the Spielberg feel to to it. The story of a group of kids overcoming odds and adult villians is reminiscent of E.T., which he had directed previously.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Literary Aspects of Stand By Me

   In Stand By Me there are various literary aspects in the film. The story revolves around 4 boys who go on a journey to find a dead body, competing with a group of teenage hoodlums to find it first. Along the way, they get in to trouble and face near death situations, while also revealing their inner vulnerability and flaws to each other. The film is based off of a Stephen King novel.

   The four main characters are Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern. Gordie is the film's protagonist and narrator. Gordie is an excellent story teller, but isn't very confident and is somewhat timid. Chris, Gordie's best friend is a natural leader and is fantastic at negotiating and helping other people with their problems. Teddy is somewhat strange, has an obsession with the war and has a weak spot when it comes to his father's honor, and Vern is chubby and similar to Gordie, timid, but serves as the group's comic relief. The film takes place through the eyes of Gordie, as his future self is narrating the story as an author.

   The boys each have their own interesting back story regarding their family. Gordie had brother who died in a car accident and because of his brothers death, his parents are torn apart and end up taking their grief out on him. Teddy has an abusive father who served in the war. Chris' father is an alcoholic and his family is a disgrace in Castle rock for it's criminal notoriety. Vern is chubby and bullied, and has a rowdy teenage brother.

   Stand By Me takes place in Castle Rock Oregon during the end of summer vacation of 1959. The weather is warm and sunny, evident in the main character's decision to hike to the dead body rather than drive to it. The teenagers in the film dress like typical greasers: slicked back hair, jeans and muscle shirts, while the children all dress respectively to their upbringings. For example, Gordie's clothes are more 'proper', while Teddy's clothes are all military-like.

   The film explores the motif of coming of age throughout the film. For example, Gordie overcomes his lack of confidence regarding his parent's disappointment towards him and Chris overcomes his determined lifestyle regarding his family's notoriety. By the end of the film, the characters have a realization and grow out of their previous childlike innocence. Once the kids have seen the body, they've lost their innocence and have passed the coming of age.

   The film takes place through the eyes of Gordie, as his future self is narrating the story as an author. The dead body acts as a symbol of adulthood in the film. Once the kids have seen the body, they've lost their innocence and have passed the coming of age.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Film Review 4 - True Grit

   True Grit is the latest film by the Coen Brothers, the acclaimed directors of 'Fargo', 'The Big Lebowski', as well as the best picture winning 'No Country For Old Men'.  True Grit is a remake of the 1969 classic, memorable for John Wayne's performance which gave him his one and only Oscar.  The film stars Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and Josh Brolin, as well as newcomer Hailee Steinfeld.

  True Grit revolves around Mattie Ross (played by Steinfeld), a 14 year old girl who suffers the tragedy of her father being murdered by one of his workers, Tom Chaney.  Insistent on avenging her father and bringing the perpetrator to justice, she hires the gritty and mean US Marshall Rooster Cogburn (played by Bridges).  Along the way the two meet Lebouf (played by Damon), a determined and lawful, although somewhat goofy Texas Ranger also on the trail of Chaney.  The film's plot is fairly straightforward, containing many of the typical Western cliches and themes, such as revenge, shootouts and cold, badass leading men.  It works fairly well however, as the plot always remains entertaining and doesn't ever really feel dull.  I only had problems with the ending, as I felt it progressed to quickly and seemed a little too predictable.

  The cast truly shined in True Grit, specifically Bridges as Cogburn.  Bridges carries on Wayne's legacy by doing an excellent job playing the rough and tough Rooster Cogburn.  That is, if you can understand what he is saying with his slurred accent.  Steinfeld also shines, with her strong and sassy performance as Mattie.  Her  lack of experience as an actress never really seems to bring her down, but instead gives a more natural feel to the performance.  Damon and Brolin are fine as well, with both performances staying consistent with the two leads.

  Although I've only seen bits and pieces of the 1969 originally, I'd say that it's fairly safe to say that this version does the original justice.  The plot is strong, and the cast is even stronger, with some beautiful cinematography through as the cherry on top.  It's not the most original film I've seen, but it wouldn't be right to say it wasn't still a great one.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Film Review 3 - North by Northwest

  North by Northwest, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, is a 1959 film starring Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint.  It is a thriller, typical to Alfred Hitchcock, telling the story of an average Joe who finds himself caught in the middle of government espionage and mistaken identites.

  The film stars Cary Grant as Roger Thornhill, an advertising executive who is mistaken for another man when at a meeting. Thornhill is kidnapped and taken to Phillip Vandamn, played by James Mason, who insists he is really a man by the name of "George Kaplan".  Able to escape after a life threatening encounter shortly after, Thornhill vows to find the real George Kaplan to clear his name.  The plot of North by Northwest is fairly intricate, and it has many interesting twists and turns throughout the film.  I believe the film slowed down during the middle, specifically around the train portion, in which Thornhill finds himself trapped inside of a train with the assistance of the film's female lead, Eva Marie Saint, while on the run from the police.  Even so, I thought the majority of the film maintained tension and kept the viewer on the edge of their seat.

  Cary Grant does a great job playing Thornhill.  His distinctly questioning and relentless attitude played consistent throughout the film, creating a very likeable and respectable character.  His skill at creating the change in Thornhill, from a boring businessman to his more courageous self nearer to the end of the film was excellent.  Eva Marie Saint also does an fine job playing the mysterious and bodacious Eve Kendall, who is as cunning as she is cute.  I found Kendall's relationship and chemistry with Thornhill during their first meeting to be almost unbelievable however, but it became better throughout the film.  The rest of the cast does well, specifically James Mason and his cunning and classy performance as Vandamn. 

  With such solid acting and a truly thrilling plot, North by Northwest has everything a movie-goer would want.  It stays entertaining throughout the film, and the story is enough to satisfy those who want a deep experience, and those who want something fairly straightforward.  If you haven't seen it already, I'd strongly suggest it. It's one of Hitchcock's best.