Saturday 27 October 2012

Literary Aspects of Stand By Me

   In Stand By Me there are various literary aspects in the film. The story revolves around 4 boys who go on a journey to find a dead body, competing with a group of teenage hoodlums to find it first. Along the way, they get in to trouble and face near death situations, while also revealing their inner vulnerability and flaws to each other. The film is based off of a Stephen King novel.

   The four main characters are Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern. Gordie is the film's protagonist and narrator. Gordie is an excellent story teller, but isn't very confident and is somewhat timid. Chris, Gordie's best friend is a natural leader and is fantastic at negotiating and helping other people with their problems. Teddy is somewhat strange, has an obsession with the war and has a weak spot when it comes to his father's honor, and Vern is chubby and similar to Gordie, timid, but serves as the group's comic relief. The film takes place through the eyes of Gordie, as his future self is narrating the story as an author.

   The boys each have their own interesting back story regarding their family. Gordie had brother who died in a car accident and because of his brothers death, his parents are torn apart and end up taking their grief out on him. Teddy has an abusive father who served in the war. Chris' father is an alcoholic and his family is a disgrace in Castle rock for it's criminal notoriety. Vern is chubby and bullied, and has a rowdy teenage brother.

   Stand By Me takes place in Castle Rock Oregon during the end of summer vacation of 1959. The weather is warm and sunny, evident in the main character's decision to hike to the dead body rather than drive to it. The teenagers in the film dress like typical greasers: slicked back hair, jeans and muscle shirts, while the children all dress respectively to their upbringings. For example, Gordie's clothes are more 'proper', while Teddy's clothes are all military-like.

   The film explores the motif of coming of age throughout the film. For example, Gordie overcomes his lack of confidence regarding his parent's disappointment towards him and Chris overcomes his determined lifestyle regarding his family's notoriety. By the end of the film, the characters have a realization and grow out of their previous childlike innocence. Once the kids have seen the body, they've lost their innocence and have passed the coming of age.

   The film takes place through the eyes of Gordie, as his future self is narrating the story as an author. The dead body acts as a symbol of adulthood in the film. Once the kids have seen the body, they've lost their innocence and have passed the coming of age.

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